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Launch of the Vitry-Marolles test and training center project


As announced in our press release and press kit dated November 16, 2023, Haffner Energy will also set up a test and training center in the immediate vicinity of its head office in Vitry-le-François, in the heart of the «Pays Vitryat» industrial region.

This project will be carried out in two stages:
• from early 2024, the installation of a new-generation demonstrator for testing all types of biomass used by our customers notably, with a view to industrial and business development and continuous improvement of our technology; ;
• in the medium term, a test and training center for Haffner Energy’s customers and employees.

This new tool will enable Haffner Energy to benefit from dedicated resources to carry out tests and trials for its customers and prospects on a new-generation demonstrator producing, firstly, renewable gas from biomass residues, and secondly, renewable hydrogen.

At its meeting on September 26, the Communauté de Communes de Vitry, Champagne et Der authorized Haffner Energy to launch preliminary studies and carry out archaeological excavations on the plot in question, located on the Vitry Marolles industrial estate.

The excavations were completed on Friday December 15, 2023, and the building permit was issued a few days later, on Thursday December 21, 2023.

Civil engineering work began in early January 2024, and the first equipments are now being installed :

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