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Our first General Assembly: consensual and informative


We had the pleasure of holding yesterday our first Annual General Meeting as a listed company, which now has more than 6,400 shareholders!

An important event that brought together our main industrial and financial shareholders (representing 91.4% of the capital) and the members of the Board of Directors who have strengthened the governance of Haffner Energy since our IPO in February 2022.

Chaired by Philippe Haffner, this meeting was an opportunity to take stock of the year 2021-2022, to vote the resolutions, and also to share and exchange with all participants on our perspectives and ambitions, at the heart of the challenges of the energy transition.

The visit of our industrial pilot to Vitry-le-François led by Marc Haffner allowed our guests to grasp the full potential of our Hynoca® technology, in a context where renewable hydrogen is and must become a winning alternative to global warming and the rising cost of energy.

All our teams work hard to deploy our industrial innovations and offer the best services to our customers.

We thank them all warmly, as well as our shareholders and clients for their trust, and their contribution in the realization of our projects.

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