Our solutions > Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) solution – SAFNOCA®

Integrated solution to meet the challenges of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production – through our patented biomass thermolysis technology

SAFNOCA® is an integrated biomass-agnostic solution for large-scale SAF production.

SAFNOCA® overcomes the barriers to large-scale SAF production as it allows to convert any solid biomass residues or wastes into Hypergas®, a ready-to-process rich syngas via our patented thermolysis technology. 

The generation of bio-SAF through biomass thermolysis also generates biogenic CO2, which can be used to co-produce e-SAF.

The process parameters are adjusted to ensure the production of syngas in compliance with the required international specifications issued by the ASTM (American Standards of Technical Material) for SAF production (via the Fischer-Tropsch or Alcohol-to-Jet pathways).

SAF simplified production process

Decarbonize existing air fleets

Commercial aviation
Air freight
Private aviation
Military aircraft

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